E T Consultant
Job #: req2207
Organization: World Bank
Sector: Urban
Grade: EC3
Term Duration: 1 year 0 months
Recruitment Type: Local Recruitment
Location: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Required Language(s): English, Kiswahili
Preferred Language(s): English, Kiswahili
Closing Date: 3/19/2019 (MM/DD/YYYY) at 11:59pm UTC
Established in 1944, the WBG is one of the world’s largest sources of
funding and knowledge for development solutions. In fiscal year 2014,
the WBG committed $65.6 billion in loans, grants, equity investments and
guarantees to its members and private businesses, of which $22.2
billion was concessional finance to its poorest members. It is governed
by 188 member countries and delivers services out of 120 offices with
nearly 15,000 staff located globally.
The WBG consists of five specialized institutions: the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International
Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation
(IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the
International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
IBRD and IDA are commonly known as the World Bank, which is organized
into six client-facing Regional Vice-Presidencies, several corporate
functions, and – as of July 1, 2014 – has introduced fourteen Global
Practices (GPs) as well as five Cross-Cutting Solution Areas (CCSAs) to
bring best-in-class knowledge and solutions to regional and country
GSURR covers a wide Range: (i) developing green, inclusive and resilient
cities; (ii) addressing the social inclusion of the poor, vulnerable
and excluded groups through accountable institutions, and ensuring
compliance with social safeguards; (iii) enhancing urban and rural
development through supporting and managing the urban-rural transition,
assisting local development through developing land tenure, management
and information systems; and (iv) assisting in disaster risk management
through issues of risk assessment, risk reduction (including flood
management, urban drainage, coastal management, and retrofitting of
infrastructure), disaster preparedness (including hydromet services,
early warning systems, and civil defense), risk financing (including
Development Policy Loan with Catastrophe Deferred Draw-Down Option
CAT-DDO), and resilient reconstruction (including post-disaster damage
and loss assessment).
Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa is occurring at an unprecedented
pace. The share of Africans living in urban areas is projected to grow
from 38 percent in 2016 to almost 60 percent by 2040, translating to an
additional 40,000 new urban citizens every day until 2040. The region’s
urbanization rate, one of the highest in the world, can lead to economic
growth, transformation and poverty. However, many cities in Africa
still have not fully captured the benefits of urbanization and poorly
managed urbanization has exacerbated existing infrastructure challenges,
resulting in increased inequality, urban poverty, proliferation of
informal settlements and vulnerability to hazards. Adverse natural
events present a serious obstacle for achieving sustainable social and
economic development, particularly in vulnerable regions as Sub-Saharan
Africa. Disaster affect the poor most severely; unplanned human
settlements, unsafe building practices, high population densities,
economic growth, and accumulations of assets in risk prone areas has
dramatically increased exposure to hazards and increased disaster loss.
Climate changed has the potential to significantly worsen the situation.
To this end, the Africa Urban and Disaster Risk Management Unit (GSU19),
brings together a wide range of important and interrelated development
and financing instruments to support national and sub-national clients
to: harness urbanization and enable effective land management in support
of both growth and poverty reduction; foster social inclusion of
marginalized groups; support the responsiveness and fiscal, financial,
and management capacities of local governments – cities, municipalities,
and rural districts – to deliver local infrastructure and decentralized
services; strengthen resilience and disaster risk management related to
natural disasters; reduce conflict and violence; scale-up access to
finance for sub-national governments; and reduce the carbon footprint of
Tanzania is the most flood affected country in the East Africa region,
the impacts of flood is mostly experienced in cities/ urban areas,
official disaster statistics demonstrate that in Dar es Salaam is the
urban center worst affected by flooding, followed by the secondary
cities of Zanzibar, Mwanza, Arusha, Mtwara and Mbeya. Flooding in the
cities is caused inadequate infrastructure to accommodate storm water,
degradation of natural assets (wetlands, natural drainage channels, and
forested areas) which serve as open sewers and solid waste dumps, and
unplanned settlement in flood prone areas. Other causes include low
capacity of the local authorities and communities to take appropriate
action in response to the weather forecasts and warnings issued by
Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA).
The social and economic impacts of flooding in urban areas are adverse
particularly due to the concentration of infrastructure and economic
assets. With the fast-growing urbanization characterized with poor
infrastructure and unplanned settlement, and the climate change which
increases the intensity and frequency of flooding, the impacts of
flooding are expected to be more adverse
The cities authorities that are responsible for managing disasters risks
lack appropriate mechanism to reduce and cope with the increasing flood
risks in terms of technical and financial capacity, contingency plans,
standard operating procedures and early warning system for flood
preparedness and response. Vulnerable communities residing in flood
prone areas have low capacity for flood risk reduction due to poverty,
lack of appropriate risk reduction knowledge and lack of community plans
to prepare for and respond to floods.
Flood risks in cities such as Dar es Salaam has been largely
characterized as corrective risk management – responding to the
materialization of flood risk as it is created. The drivers of such a
process are predominantly results of socio-economic planning decisions
based on weak enforcement and land use planning systems, poor
inter-institutional coordination, limited or inadequate risk information
and use of decision support tools such as probabilistic risk
evaluations, and limited capacity of city stakeholders to access and act
upon up-to-date climate risk science.
The World Bank through Tanzania Urban Resilience Program (TURP) will
work with the local authorities, other stakeholders and communities to
support more preventative risk management practices though (i) risk
evaluation and awareness; (ii) municipal and community level risk
reduction planning; (iii) stakeholder engagement, coordination and
participatory decision making; (iv) capacity building of city planning,
GIS and surveying teams to use appropriate risk information; (v)
integration of environmental assessments such as erosion, sedimentation
processes into city town planning ; (v) climate impacts and future risk
This ET Consultant position is aimed at establishing technical support
to the local authorities and communities to develop appropriate risk
management and urban development with the use of disaster risk knowledge
produced by other aspect of the TURP.
Duties & Accountabilities:
This position calls for a cross disciplinary approach that seeks to
build the capacity of the urban government participating in the Tanzania
Urban Resilience Program to adopt long term flood risk management
practices. Specific duties include:
• Support the design and preparation of the Msimbazi Flood Risk
Management Project, including working with the newly established Dar es
Salaam City Council Project Implementation Unit, as well as coordination
with its parent project the Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development
• Actively participate in regular supervision of the Msimbazi Flood Risk Management Project through technical site visits.
• Advise on and support the establishment of a Msimbazi Steering
Committee, Msimbazi Planning Authority, and Msimbazi Area Development
• Support and provide advisory services on private sector engagement for resilience related investments.
• Based on lessons learned through the implementation of the Tanzania
Urban Resilience Program, provide technical inputs and advisory on the
design of pipeline operations across the urban development portfolio.
• Support development of training materials and capacity building on
issues relating to urban resilience across local authorities
participating in the Dar es Salaam Metropolitan Development Project,
Tanzania Strategic Cities Project, Urban Local Government Strengthening
Project, or Zanzibar Urban Services Project.
• Support trainings in the use of risk information from TURP including
exposure data mapping, services and impacted citizens mapping,
hydrometeorological services, and environmental risk assessment.
• Support dissemination events and trainings relating to the use of
probabilistic risk evaluations – for the cities of Dar es Salaam and
Zanzibar City.
• Facilitate and manage comprehensive urban resilience dialogue with
critical stakeholders. Strengthen local authorities’ partnerships and
coordinate with relevant agencies, academia, the UN, and donors relating
to project activities.
• Contribute to the development of a knowledge management system by
disseminating lessons learnt and best practice. Promote and facilitate
knowledge exchange and dissemination in disaster risk management and
climate change adaptation between cities and sectors.
• Provide coaching/mentoring to junior team members, extended term consultants and junior professional associates in the unit.
Selection Criteria
• Master’s degree in urban development, disaster risk management,
environmental planning, public management, or equivalent, and a minimum
of 10 years of relevant experience.
• Extensive knowledge of urban development, risk management and local government in Africa.
• Experience working on complex urban risk programs involving multi-stakeholder coordination;
• Demonstrated skills to engage and effectively lead dialogues with both
local communities affected by urban risks as well as city leaders and
decision makers charged with action;
• Strong conceptual and research/analytical skills with the ability to
rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources
into conclusion and recommendations.
• Demonstrated effective communication skills, speaking and writing, and
outstanding interpersonal skills, effective team member.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Kiswahili.
• Knowledge of World Bank operational policies, practices and procedures is an asset.
• Dialogue Skills – Anticipates needs and requests in the field and
conducts independent technical discussions with representatives of the
government and non-government partners.
• Integrative Skills – Understands relevant cross-sectoral areas how
they are interrelated; able to undertake cross-sectoral work in lending
and non-lending operations.
• Client Orientation – Maintains client relationships in the face of
conflicting demands or directions and provides evidence-based advice and
solutions based on sound diagnosis and knowledge.
• Drive for Results – Identifies the needed resources to accomplish
results involving multiple stakeholders and finds solutions to obstacles
affecting key deliverables.
• Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion – work well with the team and
actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches.
• Knowledge, Learning and Communication – sharing of best practice,
trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and
partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and
compelling way across audiences of varied levels.
• Good knowledge of the functioning of central and local government systems.
• Community engagement skills – clear understanding of complexities of
urban communities and means of facilitating community participation in
urban risk reduction initiatives
Note: The selected candidate will be offered a one-year appointment,
renewable for an additional one year, at the discretion of the World
Bank Group, and subject to a lifetime maximum ET Appointment of two
The World Bank Group values diversity and encourages all qualified
candidates who are nationals of World Bank Group member countries to
apply, regardless of gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, or disability. Sub-Saharan African nationals,
Caribbean nationals, and female candidates are strongly encouraged to
E T Consultant Job at World Bank
Title: E T Consultant Job at World Bank
Author: Barnicoz Tech
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Author: Barnicoz Tech
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
E T Consultant Job #: req2207 Organization: World Bank Sector: Urban Grade: EC3 Term Duration: 1 year 0 months Recruitment Typ...
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