Barnicoz Tech Barnicoz Tech Author
Title: Rapper LADY GAGA Is Coming Under FIRE . . . For Allegedly Smoking WEED At A BABY BAPTISM . . . And Possibly Being HIGH While Holding The BABY????
Author: Barnicoz Tech
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September 9, 2017 : Video from a new Lady Gaga documentary on Netflix is causing concern among the pop singer’s fans. In the doc, Gaga app...
Gaga_LilKim: Video from a new Lady Gaga documentary on Netflix is causing concern among the pop singer’s fans. In the doc, Gaga appears to be smoking weed.
Keen eyed fans noticed (by looking at GaGa’s social media account) that she’s wearing the same outfit that she wore at a friend’s Baptism – where she held the baby.
Folks are wondering if Gaga may have been HIGH while she was holding the child.

Here’s a video of Lady Gaga smoking weed from her documentary:

It was taken at the Baptism of her friend’s child:

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