Barnicoz Tech Barnicoz Tech Author
Title: California Judge Gives An INCREDIBLE SENTENCE . .. To Man Charged With DRUGGING . . . Then RAPING His 16 Year Old Sister!!
Author: Barnicoz Tech
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May 21, 2017 : just got wind of a HORRIBLE crime . .. and an even more HORRIBLE outcome from the court system. A Crescent City, California...
Raping_Sister: just got wind of a HORRIBLE crime . .. and an even more HORRIBLE outcome from the court system.
A Crescent City, California judge gave a few days active time and probation to Nolan Bruder, age 20, who raped his 16-year-old sister, going against the recommendations of the District Attorney and the Probation Department.
According to KRCTV, Nolan Bruder pleaded guilty earlier this month to the charge of rape of an intoxicated person. In his confession, he said that his sister had refused to have sex with him. He said that he gave his sister high-potency marijuana known as ‘dabs’ to smoke, until she was so stoned she could no longer recognize him as her brother.
Judge William H. Follett sentenced Bruder to just three years, and then suspended all but 240 days of that. He then gave Bruder probation.
District Attorney Dale Trigg said that “he could not disagree more” with the sentencing.
After sentencing Bruder, Judge Follett said that he believed “the stigma” of Bruder’s conviction along with ‘mandatory sex offender registration’ would prevent him and others in the community from reoffending.

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